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Léon Félix Mouchet

Léon Félix Mouchet

Male 1874 - 1914  (40 years)

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  • Name Léon Félix Mouchet 
    Birth 20 May 1874  Bourbonne-Les-Bains, Haute-Marne, 52, France Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Léon Félix Mouchet birth record
    Léon Félix Mouchet birth record
    Gender Male 
    Death 22 Dec 1914  Kellogg, Shoshone, Idaho, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 3
    Léon Félix Mouchet death certificate
    Léon Félix Mouchet death certificate
    Leon Mouchet dies in mining accident
    Leon Mouchet dies in mining accident
    from The Weekly Press Times, Wallace Idaho
    Leon Mouchet Killed
    Leon Mouchet Killed
    Burial 26 Dec 1914  Greenwood Cemetery, Wardner (Kellogg), Shoshone, Idaho, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Leon Mouchet funeral card
    Leon Mouchet funeral card
    Léon Félix Mouchet headstone
    Léon Félix Mouchet headstone
    Leon Felix Mouchet - In Memorium
    Leon Felix Mouchet - In Memorium
    Person ID I52  Mouchet-Roberts genealogy
    Last Modified 21 Sep 2020 

    Father Philibert Eugène Léon Mouchet,   b. 24 Jan 1820, Fontenotte, Doubs, 25, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown 
    Mother Marie Julie Anaïde Gaussin,   b. 5 May 1843, Saulnot, Haute Saône, 70, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown 
    Marriage 3 Jan 1870  Bourbonne-Les-Bains, Haute-Marne, 52, France Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Philibert Mouchet and Marie Gaussin marriage record
    Philibert Mouchet and Marie Gaussin marriage record
    Family ID F2142  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Marie Anna Emilie Honorine Pattison,   b. 10 Apr 1877, Paris, 4th Arrondissement, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 10 Feb 1964, Clarkston, Asotin, Washington, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 86 years) 
    Marriage 16 Jul 1901  Paris, 75, France Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    • Leon is living at Avenue Daumesnil 46, Paris. Marie is living with her father at Rue Bergere 9.
    Marriage record of Léon Félix Mouchet and Marie Anna Labbé
    Marriage record of Léon Félix Mouchet and Marie Anna Labbé
    Marriage certificate of Leon Mouchet and Marie Pattison (extract)
    Marriage certificate of Leon Mouchet and Marie Pattison (extract)
     1. Private
     2. Private
     3. Suzanne Bathilde Marie Jeanne Mouchet,   b. 28 Jul 1902, Paris, 9th Arrondissement, France Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 15 Apr 1981, San Diego, California Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years)
    Family ID F1577  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 26 Feb 2021 

  • Photos
    Ad searching for heirs of Leon Felix Mouchet and Mary Pattison
    Ad searching for heirs of Leon Felix Mouchet and Mary Pattison
    This was published in the Los Angeles Times shortly before Marie's father, Thomas Stannus Pattison died.
    Leon and Marie Mouchet Family
    Leon and Marie Mouchet Family
    Leon Felix Mouchet border crossing card
    Leon Felix Mouchet border crossing card
    Note, although FamilySearch lists this as St. Albans Vermont, it's really from the port of Marcus, Washington.

    "Vermont, St. Albans Canadian Border Crossings, 1895-1954," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKQM-76ML : 9 October 2015), Leon Felix Mouchet, 1895-1924; citing M1461, Soundex Index to Canadian Border Entries through the St. Albans, Vermont, District, 1895-1924, 254, NARA microfilm publications M1461, M1463, M1464, and M1465 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, publication year); FHL microfilm 1,473,054.
    Leon Felix Mouchet border crossing from Canada to U.S. (1 of 2)
    Leon Felix Mouchet border crossing from Canada to U.S. (1 of 2)
    Note, although FamilySearch lists this as St. Albans Vermont, it's really from the port of Marcus, Washington.

    "Vermont, St. Albans Canadian Border Crossings, 1895-1954," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QK3Y-Y8QB : 9 October 2015), Leon Felix Mouchet, 1912; citing M1464, Soundex Index to Canadian Border Entries through the St. Albans, Vermont, District, 1895-1924, 192, NARA microfilm publications M1461, M1463, M1464, and M1465 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, publication year); FHL microfilm 1,561,278.
    Leon Felix Mouchet border crossing from Canada to U.S. (2 of 2)
    Leon Felix Mouchet border crossing from Canada to U.S. (2 of 2)
    At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
    Photoplaywrights' Association membership
    Photoplaywrights' Association membership
    Ad for Photoplaywrights' Association
    Ad for Photoplaywrights' Association
    From "The Movie Pictorial", published by the Cloud Publishing Company, Chicago. Online at https://archive.org/details/moviepictorial1914-10-01

  • Notes 
    • Worked in Paris as a building inspector. After he married Marie, they lived at 185 Rue Du Faubourg Poissonnier in the 9th Arrondissment. That's were Suzanne was born.

      Immigrated to Canada via the U.S., arriving Boston on June 18, 1903 and then travelling on to Montreal. Settled in Cranbrook, B.C. where his two sons were born. Then moved to Washington. Died in a mining accident in the Tamarak Mine

      Note: found birth record on FHL film # 1123217. Searched 1873-1877 and did not find any siblings during that period.

      From the 1914 Annual Report of the Mining Industry of Idaho, page 13,

      At the Tamarack & Custer Consolidated Mine, on December 23rd, Lee Mouchett, a married man, 40 years of age, employed as a shoveler, several months on this particular job, came to his death by falling five floors into a waste corral. The victim had taken up two floor planks near the over-hanging wall of the stope, making a hole between the timber sets 10 inches by 20 inches, for the purpose of dumping waste into the corral. He was a capable, well known, well liked workman. There were a number of men working near him, but none of them saw him go into the hole, and the only conclusion that could be arrived at was that he might have been rolling a small boulder into the opening and a ragged edge of it caught his glove and pulled him off his balance into the wide end of the opening. He was so badly injured by the fall he died in two hours after being removed.

  • Sources 
    1. [S12152] Bourbonne-Les-Bains birth record, birth record; Léon Félix Mouchet; 20 May 1874.

    2. [S12125] Idaho Death Cert - Leon Mouchet.

    3. [S12298] Wallace Press-Times, Leo Mauchett Falls Through Waste Hole; 25 December 1914.

    4. [S12304] Find-A-Grave, accessed; 1 May 2015; Memorial# 15557218.

    5. [S12061] Civil Registration: Seine-et-Marne, France, Marriage; 3 January 1870; Image 188, NMD, 1868-1872.

    6. [S12128] Paris, 9th Arrondissement. Marriages 4 Aug 1800-28 Sep 1901, Microfilm, Registres de l'état civil : 9e Arrondissement, Opéra, 1860-1902, Mariages 4 août 1900 - 28 sep 1901; Léon Félix Mouchet and Marie Anna Emilie Honorine Pattison; 16 July 1901; 803; FHL Film # 2362633.